
Does your marketing sound like a broken record? Does your logo look like a sad souvenir from the ‘90s? Do you have an awesome new service that doesn’t seem to mesh well with your current brand? Sounds like a brand refresh might be in order. Don’t fret, a brand refresh is not a full blown rebrand (you can keep your

While minor brand tweaks might not be immediately noticeable to the audience, whether you’re looking at client experience tweaks, design updates or something else.


Refining Your Logo To Reinforce Brand Values

If you have supernatural vision, you might have noticed Google recently updated their logo … by moving two pixels around. While this may seem insignificant, the subtle shift was more about showcasing their attention to detail than making any significant changes to their logo. Once the word got out, a Google rep smirked to Huffington Post, “Great to see people notice and appreciate even single-pixel changes — we tweaked the logo a little while ago to make sure it looks its sharpest regardless of your screen resolution.”

We see you, Google.


Another great example of brand value-driven logo changes is awarded to REI, now REI Co-Op.  While sometimes less is more, in the case of REI, adding more to your logo could be beneficial. With 134 stores across the country and brand standing since 1938, REI is well-known for its exceptional gear and loyal brand followers. The recent addition of “Co-Op” to the logo speaks directly to their audience, making it feel less corporate and more, dare we say, co-operate. Anyway, their Black Friday skipping, adventure-for-the-people identity has been turned up a notch with this logo update, and it seems to be working out. REI reached record revenue in 2015 ($2.4 billion) which is the same year they added Co-Op to the logo, and started calling themselves the Co-Op, for short.


Update Your Color Palette

Modernizing your visual brand components is a simple way to freshen up your brand’s look without compromising the brand identity itself.

Community Health Alliance kept their logo, but they needed an updated color palette that spoke more directly to their audience. Plus, with so much information to get across, their new visual brand needed to be simple, calming and direct.
Update Messaging To Speak To Changing Market

As your company reaches 5, 10, 20 years in business, you’re bound to need messaging adjustments to appeal to the evolving market and audience. This also holds true if you discover you want to expand or shift your audience.

InMotion Heating & Plumbing wanted to steer away from their longstanding 24/7 service and instead focus on their expertise in Radiant Heating and Boilers. With some pointed messaging, tone changes and a few minor visual adjustments, their website and brand upheld a refreshed identity that speaks directly to their ideal audience.


Need A Full Rebrand?

Sometimes, the plan for a brand refresh can quickly snowball into the much needed rebrand you may have been avoiding in the first place. Know what the best plan of action is for your business before you get started.

  • Are there noticeable changes in your industry that your brand doesn’t currently address?
  • Are you suddenly overwhelmed by new competition?
  • Have you recently introduced a new product or service that is outselling your other products or services?
  • Has your vision changed?
  • Is your company undergoing new ownership?

If any of these sound like you, it might be time to rebrand your business. Call Bareknuckle today to get started.