
Gardening meets market right in the center of Reno. As growers of produce, experts in gardening, and fans of homemade gifts and local craftsmanship, Bonsai Blue had something special to offer northern Nevada, a garden market.

For decades, Dayton Valley Turf owner, Cary Yamamoto, owned a large lot in the center of Reno where he sold Nevada’s toughest turf to residents and landscapers in northern Nevada, and as a long-time expert expert in farming and gardening, Cary knew he had more to offer on the DVT lot, so he came to Bareknuckle. 

With a sparking idea, Cary let the Bareknuckle team in on his new business idea: a place where he could sell his produce and plant starts to locals, could share his gardening knowledge, and offer up a space where other local growers and crafters could market and sell their works of art. 

After visiting the site and chatting over business ideas, the Bareknuckle team to craft a brand from top to bottom for Cary. From initially establishing a business name for the brand to developing messaging and then visuals, we truly worked with this brand in every aspect of its development.

  • Rebrand
  • Logo Design
  • Copywriting and Messaging
  • Marketing Collateral
  • Website Design
  • Product Design

From The Code:

With the right guidance and materials, we believe anyone can be a gardener. In fact, we support that everyone should be a gardener … because what’s better than garden-fresh produce served on your dinner table? At Bonsai Blue, we make it possible for anyone and everyone to grow lush, nutritious produce right in their own backyards. We offer a slew of seedlings and plant starts to jump-start your growing season. And before you leave with a green guy in hand, we’re happy to share our best tips for growing strong, robust plants in our sometimes-stubborn Nevada climate.

See more on their website: https://www.bonsaibluenv.com/ 
